TSPS Episode 643 – Manhole Covers

In today’s show you’ll hear me use the term “manhole” about a dozen times without once turning it into an immature sexual joke. You’ll also hear a terrible clipping/crackling noise every few minutes that’s due to this temporary mixer that I’m using while out of town. At least my voice isn’t all fuzzy like in the last show. By the time I leave the midwest I should have the audio almost working. This show is sponsored by kuraz, Ryan B, The Real Krazy Kraz, Sean S, and Jared M.

This show marks the official end of the lower quality 64kbps shows. I’ve kept those around forever because sometimes people would complain that it took too long to download the high quality 192kbps shows. But come on, it’s 2020. You should all be able to handle the larger file sizes at this point.  I’m considering switching permanently to 160kbps. Personally I can barely hear the difference between any of these, but I know some of you claim you can. I’ll figure it out soon. But eliminating the two different versions of the show will give me a little less work to do on all the future shows. So yay.


SUPPORT THE PLA: Join PLA’s Patreon or the Elite Cactus Squad or on NewProject2 to get extra weekly shows, live show archives, and other occasional perks. Get PLA stickers from our Zazzle store. Get PLA t-shirts in our Spreadshirt store or our TeePublic store.  You can find other merch on our Bandcamp page. Buy important things for us at PLA’s wishlist or Brad’s wishlist or just support us in other ways and tell every last person you know about the shows.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Add PLA on Facebook, add Snow Plow Show on Facebook, add PLA on Twitter, add PLA on Tumblr, add PLA on YouTube, add PLA Shows on YouTube, PLA on Instagram, join the PLA Discord, the PLA Reddit, add RBCP on Instagram, add RBCP on Twitter, add RBCP on YouTube, add @phonelosersofamerica on Tik Tok, add PLA on IGTV, leave a voice message for the show at 814-422-5309, call into live shows at 845-470-0336.

PLA FRIENDS AND STAFF: Nik Caesar from scary-art.com is the unofficial PLA artist.  Buy PLA designs from Nik’s Spreadshirt store and support him on Patreon.  You might also like the cactus and PLA designs in Laugh Track Matt’s store.  Olga & Company do the PLA Corporate comic strip and they do their own prank call show called Another Prank Call Show. The Hijinks Hangout is a Discord room for pranks. Clownsec does a lot of cool things for PLA so go honk the PLAnet.  Watch JIAD’s Calls of Mass Confusion and listen to a few of the prank call shows over at Prank Call Nation.

GAME WITH PLA: Join us Animal Crossing addicts by becoming our friends on Switch. If you’re into GTA5, join the PLA Radio crew.


4 thoughts on “TSPS Episode 643 – Manhole Covers”

  1. toying with DOUBTS
    devoid of GUIDANCE
    hurrying to&fro
    in the FOG of idle caprice and confused DESIRES
    divided in enminity and envy of one another
    blinded by conceited fancies
    but soon they will know
    yes, soon they will know
    from the Owner of All that Exists
    the Keeper of Our Hearts
    The One Who Lives and dies not.
    We are but vessels of the Final Revelation
    but most of them turn away

    1. I’d rather think of them as tea-bag drop zones. Happy steeping.

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