Adopt-A-Road Page 371

Beautiful PLA logo art is by Nik Caesar @

Hey look, it’s yet another episode of Adopt-A-Road calls, all thanks to our sponsor Daddy News. In this episode you’ll learn why employees don’t usually hand out their boss’s cell phone number to random weirdos on the phone.  Today’s ending music is Nancy I Need To Borrow Your Car by the infamous Greg.

Hey everyone, important thing here…The feed on is currently broken and the last 2 shows haven’t showed up on peoples’ feeds.  I just figured out what the problem is, but I don’t have time to fix it right now.  I’ll try to make that work tonight or tomorrow.  Please let your fellow PLA listeners know that I’m a hobo.  Soooooorrrrey!

SUPPORT THE PLA:  Join the Elite Hobo Squad or just support PLA with Patreon to get extra weekly shows and other occasional perks.   Buy PLA t-shirts in our Spreadshirt store or our TeePublic store.  You can find other merch on our Bandcamp page and on our own store page.   Make a donation, shop on Amazon through us, take a look at PLA’s wishlist, or just support us by helping out with promotion and reviews.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Add PLA on Facebook, add Snow Plow Show on Facebook, add PLA on Twitter, add PLA on Tumblr, add PLA on YouTube, add PLA Shows on YouTube, join the PLA Discord, the PLA Reddit, add RBCP on Instagram, add RBCP on Twitter, add RBCP on YouTube, add RBCP on Vine, leave a voice message for the show at 814-422-5309, call into live shows at 845-470-0336.

GAME WITH PLA: If you’re into the game Rust, play with PLA! The server address is, or search for “rust rejects” in server list. If you’re into GTA5, join the PLA Radio crew. And if you like wasting half your life away tapping on things in Simpsons Tapped Out, add a few of us PLA addicts, such as rbcp, bradbcp, sunshine_thc, zaxintel, carlitus-x, matthilloc838, and others listed in this thread.

PLA FRIENDS AND STAFF: Nik Caesar from is the unofficial PLA artist.  Buy PLA designs from Nik’s Spreadshirt store and support him on Patreon.  You might also like the cactus and PLA designs in Laugh Track Matt’s store,  Olga’s store, and WhatsYourFace’s store.  And while you’re doing all that, go watch JIAD’s Calls of Mass Confusion.